zondag 17 maart 2013

Why should we stop smoking?

Smoking may enjoy under many authoritative people as a great pre. It keeps economies going and is a real natural product, according to the proponents. However, smoking is bad for the body according to the opponents and saddles us with skyrocketing health care costs. An economy that is built on narcotic drugs would, in the case of cocaine or other fun dopes, went already cleaned up. Why get the growers of Tabac and the processors of it an additional incentive for their great contributions to the various State greenhouses anywhere around the world. Europe who so willingly first wants to run in his healthy lifestyle promoted within specific borders still tobacco production. There would be farmers who actually prefer turn would want to grow tobacco? Save you can eat them while smoking tobacco as a hope leaves quite strange state in a cool-looking mouth. The reform of politics is a slow and difficult process because the Ministers of Governments with their neck deep in the nicotine from the tobacco lobby. Also in the brave is the Netherlands Health Minister member of a lobby to promote smoking. The US takes in cleaning up the local population the lead. If indoors and on public occasions no longer is smoked then drop the costs for the concern because of cancer correspondingly. Then we are back at the economy. Opening a new opportunity for economies that are still on the tobacco plant, a chance to rest the income and expenditure around this strange product to restructure, offers farmers and the industry's ability to temporarily drop from excise duties and export products. A healthy economy is not based on the predictable cancer of a consumer, but is founded in a continuous increase in pleasure and life pleasure of an intrinsically motivated population. Motivation arises in providing opportunities, a chance for a fascinating and rich lifestyle. You love not in the morning your head in the flue of your fireplace to relax?

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