woensdag 2 januari 2013

The Garden, An Alzheimer study

The Garden study of the Alzheimer Foundation To an interview Alzheimer Netherlands. Supplemented with data from my tutorial. Part 1. The garden there is no understanding without a deeper recognition of the thoughts. Part 1 Gerrit says goodbye as Director at 55 years of age. Together with his wife he undertook travel through the world after his retirement. On his 58th was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He responded already different and partly as a result, the doctor who examined him came the first symptoms of the disease on the track. The diagnosis came as a shock and unexpectedly for everyone. His wife and he were activated by the first symptoms themselves to visit a doctor. His father was previously to Alzheimer's disease died. Gerrit knew so what him after the diagnosis and discussed this presumption also stood waiting with its surroundings. Part 2 Euthanasia was discussed and Joke, his wife with whom he had a loving relationship, did. They understood her husband and his unwillingness to experience the same as his own father ever happened. Along with the great plan life went further and Gerrit went for a day to day care of the nursing home. Together they had that House select for its proximity and facilities. Gerrit was the dearest at home, in the garden. The place where all conversations had taken place in front of the camera, between the Green and the singing birds. The paradise of both of them wanted to maintain by being there Gerrit. Close to his love, his wife to whom he so much wanted to make clear. A life wild Gerrit reframe, a world without that other person who had Alzheimer 's. Gerrit felt not entirely understood and clung to his Joke. Part 3 Gerrit loses control over his Amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Behavior, and affectionate love feelings are no longer sent from perception. Imbalance of spiritual values was a fact of life. His wife pulled it emotionally and physically anymore. ' Whole days around me, him he sucks me empty. ' Gerrit followed her everywhere by the spaces. In this way, he was always in his experience at her and she never alone. Gerrit: ' together is for me paradise. ' Part 4 Gerrit went for four days to the nursing home, a room with four people and curtains. There was no privacy between the steel bare beds. Long corridors without recognition so that even the sisters there verwaalden. In the House he goes painting, landscapes. The garden appeared in various forms on his medium-sized cloths. Fierce brush strokes showed intense emotion see, color is close to each other and the existence opens in the search for harmony. The garden, paradise was subject for his fixed caregiver who walked with him through the wooded area. Part 5 ' you have at home a beautiful garden Gerrit? ' ' Yes I have along with my wife Joke a beautiful garden. ' ' Is that your garden or the hare? ' ' It is our garden, but a little more of her. She has the hands. That I didn’t have. ' Part 6 Gerrit went further backwards but also in this stage he continued to discuss ' every step was after all euthanasia ' valuable to live for. In the weekend Saturday on Sunday as Gerrit to Joke went, he attacked. He wanted death, right now. His wife could not be more in the needs of her husband. The world of Gerrit became more and more packed with confusion and unwarranted suspicions. His ability to act was largely closed off from his will to act. Movements were heavier and the voice disappeared before the eyes of his beloved. Part 7 Gerrit sits in a wheelchair and clapping to the beat of a song is to. The central nervous set began to degrade on cerebral level including the peripheral nerves. Dysatri is a fact and of Euthanasia is certainly no more at this stage. The areas of Wernike and Brocke are actively disturbed and begins to hear things that aren't there Gerrit which he combined with the fears and rest images from his own garden. There is from the desire of Gerrit, who his wife was very still, a palliative regime entered. The nursing home doctor could not move in earlier conversations Gerrit in respect of its last wish a ruling. Joke they can so often visited him and chatted with her husband on good days. Contact was evasive and the world of her husband turned out to be withdrawn and anxious. Gerrit left the single room that he had gotten after recording and went back to safe room. Between others that were just as he. Part 8 Apraxia followed by hemiopraxi was the last stage of the physical integrity of the physical man, as his wife her husband Gerrit had always known. In bed by the many emaciated work to make contact with the world and the instant keeping his failing organs, got a choke pneumonia Gerrit. Three years after the diagnosis Alzheimer's disease died at the age of 61, Gerrit. "I've struggled, God knows how I've been so busy with him. Now everything is over. God it is over for him. '

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